Buick Enclave manuals

Buick Enclave: Starting and Operating

Buick Enclave 2008-2017 Owners Manual / Driving and Operating / Starting and Operating


 New Vehicle Break-In. Ignition Positions. Starting the Engine

New Vehicle Break-In Notice: The vehicle does not need an elaborate break-in. But it will perform better in the long run if you follow these guidelines: ► If you have all-wheel drive, keep yo

 Engine Heater. Retained Accessory Power (RAP). Shifting Into Park

Engine Heater The engine coolant heater can provide easier starting and better fuel economy during engine warm-up in cold weather conditions at or below 0°F (−18°C). Vehicles with an engin


 Repair Instructions

REAR DIFFERENTIAL CLUTCH CONTROL MODULE REPLACEMENT Removal Procedure 1. Raise and support the vehicle. Refer to Lifting and Jacking the Vehicle. 2. Remove the propeller shaft assembly. Refer to Propeller Shaft Replacement. 3. Remove the torque tube mounting bolt. Fig. 2: Identifying Torque Tube

 Specifications, Repair Instructions

SPECIFICATIONS WHEEL ALIGNMENT SPECIFICATIONS Alignment Condition: Full tank of fuel, no passengers and placed on flat level surface. Wheel Alignment Specifications FASTENER TIGHTENING SPECIFICATIONS Fastener Tightening Specifications REPAIR INSTRUCTIONS WHEEL ALIGNMENT MEASUREMENT Steering and v

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