Buick Enclave manuals

Buick Enclave: Repair Instructions

Buick Enclave 2008-2017 Service Manual / Brakes / Park Brake / Repair Instructions


Removal Procedure

WARNING: Refer to Brake Dust Warning.

1. Raise and support the vehicle. Refer to Lifting and Jacking the Vehicle.

2. Remove the tire and wheel assembly. Refer to Tire and Wheel Removal and Installation.

3. Remove the rear brake rotor. Refer to Rear Brake Rotor Replacement.

4. Retract the park brake shoe adjuster to ease removal. Refer to Parking Brake Adjustment.

5. Remove the upper park brake shoe retainer spring (1).

Buick Enclave. Park Brake
Fig. 1: Upper Park Brake Shoe Retainer Spring

6. Remove the park brake shoe adjuster (1).

Buick Enclave. Park Brake
Fig. 2: Park Brake Shoe Adjuster

7. While holding the rear park brake shoe hold down spring pin (1) stationary, compress and rotate the hold down spring and cup (2) 1/4 turn.

Buick Enclave. Park Brake
Fig. 3: Park Brake Shoe Hold Down Spring Pin And Cup

8. Remove the rear park brake shoe hold down spring assembly and the pin.

9. While holding the front park brake shoe hold down spring pin (1) stationary, compress and rotate the hold down spring and cup (2) 1/4 turn.

Buick Enclave. Park Brake
Fig. 4: Cup And Park Brake Shoe Hold Down Spring Pin

10. Remove the front park brake shoe hold down spring assembly and the pin.

11. Grasp the top of the park brake shoes and spread the shoes apart slightly.

Buick Enclave. Park Brake
Fig. 5: Front And Rear Park Brake Shoe And Lower Retaining Spring

12. Remove the front park brake shoe (1), rear park brake shoe (2) and the lower retaining spring (3) from the parking brake anchor backing plate.

13. Separate the park brake shoe components.

14. Clean the parking brake anchor backing plate with denatured alcohol or equivalent and allow to dry.

Installation Procedure

1. Apply a light coat of high temperature brake lubricant to the park brake shoe contact areas of the parking brake anchor backing plate.

2. Install the front park brake shoe (1), rear park brake shoe (2), and the lower retaining spring (3) to the parking brake anchor backing plate.

Buick Enclave. Park Brake
Fig. 6: Front And Rear Park Brake Shoe And Lower Retaining Spring

3. While holding the front park brake shoe hold down spring pin (1) stationary, compress and rotate the hold down spring and cup (2) 1/4 turn.

Buick Enclave. Park Brake
Fig. 7: Cup And Park Brake Shoe Hold Down Spring Pin

4. While holding the rear park brake shoe hold down spring pin (1) stationary, compress and rotate the hold down spring and cup (2) 1/4 turn.

Buick Enclave. Park Brake
Fig. 8: Park Brake Shoe Hold Down Spring Pin And Cup

5. Install the park brake shoe adjuster (1).

Buick Enclave. Park Brake
Fig. 9: Park Brake Shoe Adjuster

6. Install the rear park brake shoe hold down spring (1) by compressing the spring and rotating 1/4 turn.

7. Install the upper park brake shoe retainer spring (1).

Buick Enclave. Park Brake
Fig. 10: Upper Park Brake Shoe Retainer Spring

8. Adjust the park brake. Refer to Parking Brake Adjustment.


Special Tools

Removal Procedure

1. Raise and support the vehicle. Refer to Lifting and Jacking the Vehicle.

2. Loosen the park brake cable locknut (1) at the equalizer to relieve tension on the park brake cable.

Buick Enclave. Park Brake
Fig. 11: Identifying Park Brake Cable Locknut

3. Lower the vehicle.

4. Remove the left side instrument panel insulator panel. Refer to Instrument Panel Insulator Panel Replacement - Left Side.

5. Remove the driver side front carpet retainer. Refer to Front Side Door Opening Floor Carpet Retainer Replacement.

6. Disconnect the park brake warning indicator switch electrical connector.

7. Disconnect the front park brake cable from the park brake pedal clevis (1).

Buick Enclave. Park Brake
Fig. 12: Identifying Front Park Brake Cable & Park Brake Pedal Clevis

8. Using the J 37043 parking brake cable release tool, remove the front park brake cable from the park brake pedal assembly by compressing the locking tabs on the cable conduit (2).

9. Apply the park brake pedal until the clevis exposes the lower park brake pedal nut.

Buick Enclave. Park Brake
Fig. 13: Identifying Lower Park Brake Pedal Nut

10. Remove the lower park brake pedal nut (1).

11. Remove the 2 upper park brake pedal nuts (1).

Buick Enclave. Park Brake
Fig. 14: View Of Upper Park Brake Pedal Nuts

12. Remove the park brake pedal assembly.

Installation Procedure

1. Install the park brake pedal assembly.

Buick Enclave. Park Brake
Fig. 15: View Of Upper Park Brake Pedal Nuts

2. Install the 2 upper park brake pedal nuts (1).

CAUTION: Refer to Fastener Caution.


3. If necessary, apply the park brake pedal until the clevis exposes the lower park brake pedal assembly mounting stud.

Buick Enclave. Park Brake
Fig. 16: Identifying Lower Park Brake Pedal Nut

4. Install the lower park brake pedal nut (1).


5. Release the park brake pedal.

6. Connect the front park brake cable to the park brake pedal clevis (1).

Buick Enclave. Park Brake
Fig. 17: Identifying Front Park Brake Cable & Park Brake Pedal Clevis

7. Install the front park brake cable to the park brake pedal assembly.

Ensure the locking tabs on the cable conduit (2) are fully engaged to the park brake pedal assembly.

8. Connect the park brake warning indicator switch electrical connector.

9. Install the driver side front carpet retainer. Refer to Front Side Door Opening Floor Carpet Retainer Replacement.

10. Install the left side instrument panel insulator panel. Refer to Instrument Panel Insulator Panel Replacement - Left Side.

11. Adjust the park brake. Refer to Parking Brake Adjustment.


Buick Enclave. Park Brake
Fig. 18: Identifying Parking Brake Indicator Switch

Parking Brake Indicator Switch Replacement

Buick Enclave. Park Brake


Special Tools

Removal Procedure

1. Raise and support the vehicle. Refer to Lifting and Jacking the Vehicle.

2. Loosen the park brake cable locknut (1) at the equalizer to relieve tension on the park brake cable.

Buick Enclave. Park Brake
Fig. 19: Identifying Park Brake Cable Locknut

3. Disconnect the front park brake cable (1) from the rear park brake cable.

Buick Enclave. Park Brake
Fig. 20: Identifying Front Park Brake Cable

4. Using the J 37043 parking brake cable release tool, remove the front park brake cable from the park brake cable bracket on the body by compressing the locking tabs on the cable conduit (2).

5. Remove the left side instrument panel insulator panel. Refer to Instrument Panel Insulator Panel Replacement - Left Side.

6. Remove the driver side front carpet retainer. Refer to Front Side Door Opening Floor Carpet Retainer Replacement.

7. Remove the 2 nuts and the driver footrest.

Buick Enclave. Park Brake
Fig. 21: View Of Driver Footrest & Nuts

8. Lift the driver floor carpet to expose the front park brake cable routing clip.

Buick Enclave. Park Brake
Fig. 22: View Of Park Brake Cable & Routing Clip

9. Release the park brake cable routing clip from the floor stud.

10. Release the front park brake cable pass through grommet.

Buick Enclave. Park Brake
Fig. 23: View Of Park Brake Cable Pass Through Grommet

11. Disconnect the front park brake cable from the park brake pedal clevis (1).

Buick Enclave. Park Brake
Fig. 24: Identifying Front Park Brake Cable & Park Brake Pedal Clevis

12. Remove the front park brake cable from the park brake pedal assembly by compressing the locking tabs on the cable conduit (2).

13. Remove the front park brake cable assembly.

Installation Procedure

1. Install the front park brake cable assembly.

Buick Enclave. Park Brake
Fig. 25: Identifying Front Park Brake Cable & Park Brake Pedal Clevis

2. Connect the front park brake cable to the park brake pedal clevis (1).

3. Install the front park brake cable to the park brake pedal assembly.

Ensure the locking tabs on the cable conduit (2) are fully engaged to the park brake pedal assembly.

4. Route the front park brake cable through the vehicle floor and seat the pass through grommet.

Buick Enclave. Park Brake
Fig. 26: View Of Park Brake Cable Pass Through Grommet

5. Position the park brake cable routing clip to the floor stud.

Buick Enclave. Park Brake
Fig. 27: View Of Park Brake Cable & Routing Clip

6. Position the driver floor carpet to the vehicle floor.

7. Install the driver footrest.

Buick Enclave. Park Brake
Fig. 28: View Of Driver Footrest & Nuts

8. Install the 2 driver footrest nuts.

CAUTION: Refer to Fastener Caution.


9. Connect the park brake warning indicator switch electrical connector.

10. Install the driver side front carpet retainer. Refer to Front Side Door Opening Floor Carpet Retainer Replacement.

11. Install the left side instrument panel insulator panel. Refer to Instrument Panel Insulator Panel Replacement - Left Side.

12. Install the front park brake cable (1) to the park brake cable bracket on the body.

Buick Enclave. Park Brake
Fig. 29: Identifying Front Park Brake Cable

Ensure the locking tabs on the cable conduit (2) are fully engaged to the park brake cable bracket.

13. Connect the front park brake cable to the rear park brake cable.

14. Adjust the park brake. Refer to Parking Brake Adjustment.


Special Tools

Removal Procedure

1. Release the park brake.

2. Raise and support the vehicle. Refer to Lifting and Jacking the Vehicle.

3. Remove the park brake equalizer locknut (1).

Buick Enclave. Park Brake
Fig. 30: Identifying Park Brake Cable Locknut

4. Using the J 37043 parking brake cable release tool, release the park brake cable from the park brake cable bracket (1) by compressing the locking tabs on the cable conduit (2).

Buick Enclave. Park Brake
Fig. 31: View Of Park Brake Cable Bracket

5. Remove the park brake cable from the bracket and the equalizer.

6. Disconnect the park brake cable eyelet (1) from the park brake actuator.

Buick Enclave. Park Brake
Fig. 32: Identifying Park Brake Cable Eyelet

7. Compress the locking tabs and pull the park brake cable conduit toward the front of the vehicle to compress the park brake cable spring.

8. Remove the park brake cable from the cable bracket (2).

9. Pull the park brake cable through the cable guides and remove the park brake cable from the vehicle.

Installation Procedure

1. Install the park brake cable to the cable guides.

Buick Enclave. Park Brake
Fig. 33: Identifying Park Brake Cable Eyelet

2. Connect the park brake cable eyelet (1) to the park brake actuator.

3. Compress the park brake cable spring and install the park brake cable to the cable bracket (2).

Ensure the locking tabs on the cable conduit are fully engaged to the cable bracket.

4. Install the park brake cable to the park brake cable bracket (1).

Buick Enclave. Park Brake
Fig. 34: View Of Park Brake Cable Bracket

Ensure the locking tabs on the cable conduit (2) are fully engaged to the park brake cable bracket.

5. Install the park brake cable to the equalizer.

6. Loosely install the park brake equalizer locknut (1).

Buick Enclave. Park Brake
Fig. 35: Identifying Park Brake Cable Locknut

7. Adjust the park brake. Refer to Parking Brake Adjustment.


Special Tools

Removal Procedure

1. Release the park brake.

2. Raise and support the vehicle. Refer to Lifting and Jacking the Vehicle.

3. Loosen, but do not remove the park brake equalizer locknut (1).

Buick Enclave. Park Brake
Fig. 36: Identifying Park Brake Cable Locknut

4. Disconnect the front park brake cable (1) from the right park brake cable.

Buick Enclave. Park Brake
Fig. 37: View Of Park Brake Cable & Park Brake Equalizer

5. Using the J 37043 parking brake cable release tool, release the park brake cable from the park brake equalizer (2) by compressing the locking tabs on the cable conduit (3).

6. Remove the 2 park brake cable bracket bolts located on top of the crossmember above the rear suspension module.

Buick Enclave. Park Brake
Fig. 38: View Of Park Brake Cable Bracket Bolts

7. Disconnect the park brake cable eyelet (1) from the park brake actuator.

Buick Enclave. Park Brake
Fig. 39: Identifying Park Brake Cable Eyelet & Cable Bracket

8. Compress the locking tabs and pull the park brake cable conduit toward the front of the vehicle to compress the park brake cable spring.

9. Remove the park brake cable from the cable bracket (2).

10. Pull the park brake cable through the cable guides and remove the park brake cable from the vehicle.

Installation Procedure

1. Position the park brake cable over the rear suspension module.

2. Connect the park brake cable eyelet (1) to the park brake actuator.

Buick Enclave. Park Brake
Fig. 40: Identifying Park Brake Cable Eyelet & Cable Bracket

3. Compress the park brake cable spring and install the park brake cable to the cable bracket (2).

Ensure the locking tabs on the cable conduit are fully engaged to the cable bracket.

4. Install the 2 park brake cable bracket bolts.

Buick Enclave. Park Brake
Fig. 41: View Of Park Brake Cable Bracket Bolts

CAUTION: Refer to Fastener Caution.


5. Install the park brake cable to the cable guides.

6. Position the park brake cable to the equalizer.

7. Connect the front park brake cable (1) to the right park brake cable.

Buick Enclave. Park Brake
Fig. 42: View Of Park Brake Cable & Park Brake Equalizer

8. Install the park brake cable to the park brake equalizer (2).

Ensure the locking tabs on the cable conduit (3) are fully engaged to the equalizer.

9. Loosely install the park brake equalizer locknut (1).

Buick Enclave. Park Brake
Fig. 43: Identifying Park Brake Cable Locknut

10. Adjust the park brake. Refer to Parking Brake Adjustment.


Buick Enclave. Park Brake
Fig. 44: Identifying Park Brake Cable Equalizer

Parking Brake Cable Equalizer Replacement

Buick Enclave. Park Brake


Buick Enclave. Park Brake
Fig. 45: Identifying Parking Brake Actuator

Parking Brake Actuator Replacement

Buick Enclave. Park Brake


Buick Enclave. Park Brake
Fig. 46: View Of Rear Disc Brake Backing Plate

Rear Parking Brake Anchor Backing Plate Replacement

Buick Enclave. Park Brake


Special Tools

WARNING: Refer to Brake Dust Warning.

1. Apply and fully release the park brake.

2. Verify that the park brake pedal releases completely.

3. Raise and support the vehicle. Refer to Lifting and Jacking the Vehicle.

4. Remove the rear tire and wheel assemblies. Refer to Tire and Wheel Removal and Installation.

5. Loosen the locknut (1) at the park brake cable equalizer to relieve tension on the park brake system.

Buick Enclave. Park Brake
Fig. 47: Identifying Park Brake Cable Locknut

6. Remove the rear brake rotors. Refer to Rear Brake Rotor Replacement.

7. Using appropriate cleaning equipment, clean the parking brake components of any accumulated dust.

8. Set the J-21177-A Drum-to-Brake Shoe Clearance Gauge inside of the park brake drum (1) at the widest point.

Buick Enclave. Park Brake
Fig. 48: Measuring Inside Of Rotor

9. Position the J-21177-A Drum-to-Brake Shoe Clearance Gauge over the park brake shoe (1) at the widest point.

Buick Enclave. Park Brake
Fig. 49: Adjusting Parking Brake Shoes Using Special Tool

10. Turn the adjuster screw until the park brake shoe just contacts the J-21177-A Drum-to-Brake Shoe Clearance Gauge.

11. Repeat steps 7-9 for the opposite side.

12. Install the rear brake rotors. Refer to Rear Brake Rotor Replacement.

13. Install the rear tire and wheel assemblies. Refer to Tire and Wheel Removal and Installation.

14. Adjust the park brake by turning the locknut (1) at the equalizer while spinning both rear wheels. When either rear wheel starts to drag, back off the locknut one full turn.

Buick Enclave. Park Brake
Fig. 50: Identifying Park Brake Cable Locknut

15. Lower the vehicle to curb height.

16. Apply the park brake, then inspect for rotation of the rear wheels. If the rear wheels rotate during this inspection, then readjust the park brake shoes.

17. Release the park brake. Verify the rear wheels rotate freely.

18. Lower the vehicle.


 Description and Operation

PARK BRAKE SYSTEM DESCRIPTION AND OPERATION System Component Description The park brake system consists of the following: Park Brake Pedal Assembly Receives and transfers park brake system apply input


 Component Cleaning

* PLEASE READ THIS FIRST * NOTE: Examples used in this article are general in nature and do not necessarily relate to a specific engine or system. Illustrations and procedures have been chosen to guide mechanic through engine overhaul process. Descriptions of processes of cleaning, inspection, asse

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