Buick Enclave manuals

Buick Enclave: Rear Seat Infotainment

Buick Enclave 2008-2017 Owners Manual / Infotainment System / Rear Seat Infotainment


 Rear Seat Entertainment (RSE) System

The vehicle may have a DVD Rear Seat Entertainment (RSE) system. The RSE system works with the vehicle's audio system. The DVD player is part of the front radio. The RSE system includes a radi

 Rear Seat Audio (RSA) System

For vehicles with Rear Seat Audio (RSA), rear seat passengers can listen to and control any of the music sources: radio, CDs, DVDs, or other auxiliary sources. The rear seat passengers can only con


 Off-Road Recovery. Loss of Control. Driving on Wet Roads

Off-Road Recovery The vehicle's right wheels can drop off the edge of a road onto the shoulder while driving. Follow these tips: 1. Ease off the accelerator and then, if there is nothing in the way, steer the vehicle so that it straddles the edge of the pavement. 2. Turn the steering wh

 Emergency. Security. Navigation

Emergency With Automatic Crash Response, the built-in system can automatically connect to help in a crash even if you cannot ask for it. Push to connect to an Emergency Advisor. GPS technology is used to identify the vehicle location and can provide critical information to emergency personne

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